Refrako s.r.o. (RMS Košice s.r.o.)
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The company Refrako s.r.o. was established at the end of year 2002 and it continues in the production of refractory ceramic materials that started in 1965 in the plant Hutnícka keramika of the metallurgical combine VSŽ Košice. The company is a part of group U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o The company went through the following evolution since the year 1965: 1965 Hutnícka Keramika began operations as part of VSŽ Steel 1990 after privatizing of VSŽ; VSŽ Keramika, s.r.o. came into existence as an independent company Shareholders: 100% VSŽ, a.s. Košice 1999 the company was transformed into joint stock company Keramika, a.s. before privatization Shareholders: 100% VSŽ, a.s. Košice 2000 privatization of the company by Belgian company Carmeuse S.A. and birth of Refractory Slovakia, s.r.o Shareholders: 100% Carmeuse S.A. Belgium 2002 the establishment of Refrako s.r.o. , with two production plants: 1.Alumina/silica processing plant for shaped and monolithic products 2. Basic processing plant for shaped and monolithic basic products Shareholders: 100% U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. The products of company Refrako s.r.o. have wide application in these industrial branches: Industry of ferrous metals: coke plants, blast furnaces, hot blast stoves, torpedo ladle, converters, electric arc furnaces, casting ladles, discharge junctions of casting ladles, tundishes, pushing reheat furnaces etc. Industry of nonferrous metals: smelting furnaces and ladles Foundry, forging shops: smelting furnaces and ladles Ceramic industry: rotary and shaft furnaces, tunnel kilns, tunnel carts, rotary kilns Industry of building materials: rotary and shaft furnaces for the production of lime and cement, decorative elements of exteriors and interiors, garden and room fireplaces Power engineering: fluid and fuel burning boilers, stacks

Refrako s.r.o. (RMS Košice s.r.o.)

Address: Main entrance U.S. Steel-Košice Postal Code: 04454 Website:

Sponsored by: Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.  Supported by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry) Ltd.

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